Michal Poupě

Our TeachersMichal Poupě

Karamjot Singh

Kundalini yoga literally fell to me from the cosmos in the autumn 2009 thanks to satellite channel Body In Balance. One day Maya Fiennes emerged from the flood of various yoga styles with videos shot on the seashore during the sunset. Her practise was very different from the rest of yoga, she was dressed all in white, her videos were shot in white room and most importantly there was blissful music. The moderation of the whole kundalini yoga setting appealed to me that I started practising it regularly just to find out that this is the yoga that FINALLY WORKS... And since then I practise kundalini yoga every single day.

After year and a half of home practise I was lucky to find Kundalini Yoga Center in Jindřišská street, Prague, which has became the first Czech permanent realm of kundalini yoga thanks to Katya and Hynek.

And it went even further: During last year I was lucky to meet Maya Fiennes in person. Her approach to life (don`t reject anything but avoid excesses) and yoga practise (experiment without worry but listen to your body as well as your intuition) resonated with me and became my inspiration with my own practises and lectures and also with my approach to kundalini yoga and life itself. Maya is the living proof that the positive changes that kundalini yoga brings to your life can be integrated into your current life situation. The change of the intensity of you perception is inevitable with rising of kundalini but that does not mean you have to leave your family and job and withdraw to the mountains to meditate as you can integrate the new perception into your current situation and maybe to transfer something of it to others who were not so lucky and who are still looking for their working yoga ... maybe at the bars (where you would be glad to go with them sometimes).

My idea o perfect kundalini yoga class is to match all the ingredients of kundalini yoga practise together so that you would be taken by the stream of the exercises, meditations, relaxation and music through unexpected places inside your body and mind and in the end to be spit out pleasantly tired and stretched wide-eyed with joy. Simply like after good trip full of unexpected experiences.

If you would like to receive fresh information about my classes please follow me on twitter @michalpoupe or befriend me on facebook.

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